Sekurenta System

This betting system for roulette is called Sekurenta. It should be noticed that the strategy was designed specially for roulette. Thus you cannot use it in any other types of gambling.
You will need to have at least 120 chips to apply this strategy. Thus if the min bet is $1 you need to have $120 on your bankroll. First of all you need to split all figures on roulette into 8 different sectors. Then you should unite sectors by pairs into 4 groups. Pairs are made from 2 sectors that stand opposite on the roulette. It sounds a bit complicated but have a look at the picture and you will understand the principle of this separation.

1 sector: (3, 26, 0, 32, 15) è (23, 10, 5 ,24)
2 sector: (19, 4, 21, 2, 25) è (16, 33, 1, 20)
3 sector: (14, 31, 9, 22, 18) è (17, 34, 6, 27)
4 sector: (29, 7, 28, 12, 35) è (13, 36, 11, 30, 8)
The following simple plan is used:
Step 1: Write down first 12 spins. Count and write down all sectors that came into play.
Step 2: The bet is placed on the group which appeared not less than 5 times. If none of the groups appeared 5 times after 12 spins, you should repeat actions described in step 2.
Step 3: if two groups appeared 5 times each after 12 spins, you should continue playing until one group appears 6 times.
Step 4: bets should be placed on every number within the group until you win but not more than 4 times.
Step 5: You start betting from the step number 1.
Please make sure that your bet cycle is not longer than 5 rounds! You can play several rounds within one session.